viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012



On July 31, 1498 Cristobal Colón arrived in Trinidad on his third voyage to the New World. At that time, the island was populated by igneri (a peaceful Arawak group that developed and primitive agriculture) and the aggressive Caribs who had a low cultural development. Later Spain colonized the island in 1532 and appointed a governor. The indigenous population virtually disappeared because of hard work, disease transmission and emigration to the mainland, after which the colony was the need to accommodate Africans from other islands.


Inhabited by the Caribs, was also sighted by Colón in 1498. Was occupied in stages by Spanish, British, Dutch and French until 1814, when France had to cede the island to the British at the end of the Napoleonic Wars. Tobago was part of the Windward Islands colony until 1889, when it was associated with Trinidad.

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